Ridgeway Primary School is a very warm, happy, safe and friendly school and we are extremely proud of our children and all that they achieve in and out of the classroom. We strongly believe in developing a sense of team and with the attitude of 'We are LEARNERS' - we all, staff and children together, are constantly striving to be the best we can be in all areas of life. |
We have a highly inclusive ethos and believe that, through the pursuit of excellence, every child can achieve great things. All of our staff are highly skilled and go ‘the extra mile’ to make sure that every child’s experience in school is productive and enjoyable. We want to ensure that children grow with respect and tolerance of each other as well as become academically, socially and emotionally prepared for life in modern Britain and within our changing world.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school with any queries you may have, to book a tour or to request a paper copy of any of the information found on our website or.
Many thanks, Mr Wilson and all at Team Ridgeway
Press the full screen button on the newsletter if you experience viewing issue
At Ridgeway Primary School, our nurturing ethos places children at the heart of everything we do. From strategic decision-making to teaching and learning, we strive to foster an environment where every child thrives emotionally, socially and academically – Happy, Safe and Learning. We embrace diversity, creativity, and resilience, equipping our students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
We love our school and our children, and we’re committed to inspiring them to explore their passions and reach their full potential. It’s a wonderful journey, discovering all the ways we can ignite their curiosity and help them grow. Our success is intertwined with their well-being and development. So, join Team Ridgeway and be a part of the magic of learning!
For more information on our mission and our values, please click here.
We are proud to be the Head & Deputy Head Teacher of such a wonderful team here at Ridgeway Primary School. Our staff are all dedicated to ensuring the best for our children in every aspect of school life - Every Child, Every Day!
Mr Wilson & Mrs Naylor
A big welcome from the governors here at Ridgeway Primary School. The Governing Body is made up of teachers, parents and members of the local community. We work as a team with the Head Teacher for the benefit of all the pupils and staff at Ridgeway Primary School. We're all volunteers and have a diverse background, from education to the NHS. We're here to give the school a strategic direction and to act as 'a critical friend' – helping to guide the school and to improve the standard of education for all our children.
We ensure that local and national government legislation and targets are met, that we spend our school budget wisely, that the safety of everyone is paramount and that the curriculum is delivered to benefit all children. Governors take an active role in the school, not only attending meetings but also school functions, undertaking visits to classrooms and helping out with school visits.
If you would like to contact us, then we'd be happy to hear from you; please contact us via the school office. Either by letter or email marked FAO Governors.
For information about the Board click here - including 'Meet the Governors', attendance registers, and register of interest forms.
We value the importance of effective home-school communication as it can make children feel more confident and valued within their education.
Here are link to the main online platforms we use as a school to communicate with parents.
Our Facebook Page:
We also have a Facebook page to help keep you informed of any event and news from school. Just click on the link or scan the QR code and follow us!
Our YouTube Channel:
We also have our own YouTube channel. This is a platform that enables us to share the learning of the children in a different way. Just follow the link and subscribe to make sure you never miss a video.
Places in Team Ridgeway:
As of Nov. 2024, we have a few places available in the following classes:
Year 1, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6
Please note that our Reception & Year 2 classes are currently full.
We are now allowed to accept up to 30 pupils in Reception, without parents having to appeal. As such there will be no need for appeals hearing for places over 15 which has been the case historically.
Please see our Admissions Information for more information or read the Admissions part of the School Information section.
At Ridgeway Primary School, we believe that the learning journey is a lifelong experience and we aim to enable all children to make sense of their learning and be equipped for our ever changing world by encouraging a passion for learning, fostering curiosity and nurturing creativity.
We recognise our responsibility to instil in our children the values and skills they will need for life in modern Britain, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development underpins all of our learning.
We have created an exciting and stimulating set of topics, to cover the National Curriculum, providing cross-curricular opportunities to extend and apply learning to other areas wherever possible. In all our lessons, we encourage children to develop as independent and active learners and we nurture inquiry.
Here at Ridgeway Primary School, we believe that the learning journey is a lifelong experience and we aim to enable all children to make sense of their learning. So no matter who the child, or what their individual needs our aim is the same; to enable all children to become confident, successful and flourishing learners in the belief that they are loved and valued in our school community.
Please click here for more information about SEND at Team Ridgeway.
The Department for Education Vision for the Primary PE and Sport Premium;
All pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
2024 Results
We are extremely proud, as always, of all of our children and the hard work they put into all aspects of school life. Here are our results from the academic side of school life.
End of Key Stage 2 - Year 6 (Nation figures in brackets)
- Reading:
Expected standard 79.3% (74.1%)
Greater Depth standard 34.5% (28.3%)
Average Scaled Score 106.7 (105.0)
- Writing:
Expected standard 82.6% (71.7%)
Greater Depth standard 17.2% (12.8%)
- Maths:
Expected standard 82.8% (72.9%)
Greater Depth standard 24.1% (23.7%)
Average Scaled Score 105.2 (104.0)
- Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling:
Expected standard for 75.9% (72.0%)
Greater Depth standard 27.6% (31.7%)
Average Scaled Score 105.5 (105.0)
- Reading, Writing & Maths Combined:
Expected standard 69% (60.5%)
Greater Depth standard 13.8% (7.5%)
96.7% (80.4%) of the 30 Year 1 children reached the expected standard in the Year 1 phonics check, with 96% of children meeting the standard by the end of Key Stage 1.
Early Years
72% (67%) of children attained a Good Level of Development at the end of EYFS.
Our school’s latest progress and attainment figures can be found on the Department for Education’s website.
Please note: The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.
Extra-Curricular Clubs: Autumn Term 1
After school clubs are now available to book via Parent Pay. They cover 7 weeks starting wc 9th September (so no club Thur 5th Sept) and cost £28 for the half term. Places are limited so if you need them for child care please book early - parentpay.com
- Multi Sports (sign up via Parent Pay - parentpay.com)
- Young Voices Choir (sign up closed)
- Science Club (sign up via Parent Pay - parentpay.com)
- Minecraft Club (sign up via Parent Pay - parentpay.com)
- Football Coaching (sign up via Parent Pay - parentpay.com)
We always want the best for your child, so if they are unwell, we will help wherever we can. According to the legislation we must follow, we can only administer prescribed medicine to your child during school hours. However, the medication must be in its original container, clearly labelled with the child’s name on a pharmacy sticker.
You must always complete the form, which gives us permission to give the medication and tells us when and how. The form can be found on the website – click here.
Please bring any medicines to the office when the form has been completed. Do not give any medication to your child to bring into school. The exception to this is the blue inhaler, for asthma. It is your responsibility to make sure that any medication left in school is in date and replenished when necessary. We also request that any unused medicine be collected. Should you need the medication in the evening, please ensure it is collected by an adult at the end of the school day.
If your child needs a non-prescription medicine, such as Calpol, a family member (over the age of 16) will be asked to come into school to administer the medication.
DPIAS are available on request. Please contact the school office.
The school's private fund is available for inspection by any interested parties. Please, ask at the school office.
Ridgeway Primary School respects your privacy and is committed to protecting the personal information that you share with us. Generally, you can browse through our website without giving us any information about yourself. When we do need your personal information to provide services that you request or when you choose to provide us with your personal information, our Data Protection Policy describes how we collect and use your personal information. For our full privacy statement please click here.
All of our letters are sent out via Parent Hub or Parent Pay. Our new Newsletter is sent out digitally too - this can be accessed via Parent Hub, at the top of this page or via our Facebook page.
Communication is always two ways, so please see our contact details at the bottom of the page, or if you need to submit of form;
- Change of contact details Form
- Medicine Form
- Leave of Absence Request Form
Or to see previous Newsletters please click here.
Videos coming soon
School Calendar for 2024 - 2025
INSET days for 2025-2026
coming soon
You can find our Dinner Menu here (please click).
Government guidance on portion sizes (please click).
School Meal allergen information (please click).
Free School Meals
Your child may be able to get free school meals if you receive any of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on: paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit: if you apply on or after 1 April 2018, your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
Applying for free school meals
We use the Department for Education's free school meals eligibility checking system, meaning you will receive an instant result notification and the school will be informed.
To apply, you will be required to register and provide:
- your family name
- your date of birth
- you may also be required to upload a copy of your benefit document
- your National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Reference Number
Click here to apply for Free School Meals
Places in Team Ridgeway:
As of November 2024, we have a few places available in the following classes:
Year 1, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6
From the 2024/25 academic year we will be allowed to accept up to 25 pupils in Reception from then onward. As such there will be no need for appeals hearing for places over 15 which has been the case historically.
As a Local Authority School, we follow the Derbyshire Admissions Policy and Guidelines. Please contact the local authority to find out about our admissions arrangements.
Local authority website, or call 01629 537479.
Local authority’s admissions criteria
If you would like to apply for a place in Reception and live in Sheffield please do so via the Sheffield Council website
If you would like to ask any questions about our school or would like to visit prior to applying for a place please don't hesitate to contact us.
Click here for Additional Information about Admissions
Click here for Our Starting school page for transition information and more
At Ridgeway Primary School, we understand that the well-being of your child is our top priority. We are committed to working with you in partnership and addressing any concerns that may arise, both on your end and ours. Communication is key, and we will keep you well-informed throughout your child's time at the school. However, if we have concerns about your child's safety, we may need to touch base with external agencies first, in accordance with the Child Protection & Safeguarding Team at Derbyshire County Council. We have a Child Protection Policy in place to ensure the safety and security of our entire school community. If you have any questions or concerns about our procedures or policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Head Teacher or the Governor responsible for Child Protection.
Online Safety
For information, support and guidance on Online Safety please check out the newsletter E-safety section or visit our Online Safety page.
For information about transition and joining Team Ridgeway please,
Click here for Our Starting school page.
More information coming soon.
Early Help means providing support to our children and families at Ridgeway Primary as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life.
We understand just how complicated family life can be. From time to time, there may be situations where you need some extra help and support. If things are not right at home, please come and talk to us. We can help in many ways.
Our school is a "no nuts" site.
As such, we are asking for your help with the following:
- Do not bring / send in any food containing the below list of nuts
- Check all foods prior to bringing / sending them into school, including
snacks and treats (for birthdays etc.) such as cereal bars, biscuits
and crisps
List of foods not allowed to come into school:
- Nuts: Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecan nuts, brazil nuts, pistachio nuts
- Peanuts
- Dorito crisps (include nuts but ingredient listed in Latin!)
On Site Wraparound Care:
On Site Wraparound Care with Premiere Leisure is available to book on their website. Their booking system is very flexible and allows parents to block book in advance or book individual days as and when needed. Bookings can also continue to be made once the club has started. Please click on the link below to take you directly to the booking page for our school: premier-education.com/parents/venue/courses/1951/?location=Ridgeway sheffield
Local Child Minder:
"My name is Kerrie Rodgers and I am an Ofsted Inpected wraparound care provider in a home from home environment. I have almost 7 years experience and have looked after children from Reception right up to Year 7 before and after school. Pick up and drop off is at Ridgeway Primary School, which is right across the road where I live! I open term time 7am Monday to Friday and provide breakfast when needed and I open Monday - Thursday until 5:30pm and provide a drink and a snack. I offer flexible hours and ad-hoc care where available and accept various childcare vouchers. My home is a busy, loving, family environment where your child can prepare for the school day or decompress after the school day in a way which suits your child's personality and mood. Any queries please contact me on 07725115859 or kerrieann2000@yahoo.com. I am always around before and after school, too, so please feel free to grab me for a chat.
** You can request a printed copy of any of the above information, free of charge. **
If you wish to contact our Headteacher, Iain Wilson, please contact the school office using the number or email provided above.
If you wish to contact our SENDCo, Miss Mason, please contact the school office using the details above.
If you wish to make a complaint please contact the school office in the first instance.